
A willingness to cooperate is the Danish dealmaker

Danes are keen on reaching an agreement once negotiations are underway. This is why your Danish partners enter the negotiations with realistic ideas, not with high demands that would have to be renegotiated. They listen in a friendly manner and are willing to cooperate with you as a future contractual partner. It is clear to […]

Business meals and after work in Poland

Business lunches, which usually take place in restaurants, are instrumental in the creation of a good partnership atmosphere in Polish business culture. It should be borne in mind especially that ›It’s not what you say, but how you say it.‹ Among the first topics of discussion will be subjects which allow you to get to […]

Challenges in a German-French job interview

Let’s take a look at the human resources department of a traditional German company that attaches great importance to good dealings with its personnel at all levels and lives up to this. One sunny morning, a young French engineer, graduate of a so-called French “elite university”, two representatives of the technical department and the HR […]

How to understand Russian business talk

The Russian communication style is relationship-oriented. Personal feelings always take precedence over factual information. This is why many Russians tend to communicate in a more diplomatic manner. Not everything is stated clearly and unambiguously. Don’t expect plain speaking. Any direct, rational and fact-oriented communication seems confrontational and even hurtful or arrogant to Russians.. Is it […]

Meetings with Danish business partners

Danish meetings (Møder) are targeted. Of course, this also applies to meetings with foreign business partners. Beyond any concrete goals, such as the start of the project, meetings are also about establishing a sense of trust and community. Accordingly, the term “Fælleskab” – “community” – is central to Danish culture. The Danish designer Erik Magnussen […]

The cultural identity of the Bulgarian business world

Bulgaria lies at the crossroads of different cultures. The small country that used to be a great world power and played an active role in shaping history lies on the border between Asia and Europe. The original Bulgarians were a warlike people from Central Asia. In 681 they crossed the Danube and founded the state […]

Cultural Differences – Lithuania

In daily dealings with Lithuanian business partners, you will frequently notice their strong emotional ties to both Poland and Russia. In addition, the Catholic Church is important in Lithuanian life; this not only increases the distance to their Baltic neighbors, but also defines their fundamental values. For successful business negotiations in Lithuania, the basic prerequisite […]

The German mind vs. the Russian soul

German business people are seen as cold and distant by the more people-oriented Russians. They appear to be fixated on one thing, one project, precise terms of contract and numbers. They negotiate with a company and not with individuals, even if they welcome positive personal working relationships. Germans separate their personal feelings from the objective […]

Cultural mix in cooperation with Luxembourg

Luxembourg companies are usually well structured and organized. Following the German model, there are often extensive administrative processes, and following the French model, hierarchies are strongly differentiated. The working style prevalent in Luxembourg is also often described by workers who have already worked in various neighboring European countries as a Franco-German mix. The German way […]

Cultural Differences – Russia

When establishing business relations in Russia for the first time, contacting potential business partners can be the first major hurdle. In Russia, personal contact is preferred. Just writing is perceived as too impersonal and dispassionate. Russians expect to best assess their interlocutors by meeting face to face. For this reason alone, faxes and e-mails often […]

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