Intercultural Training South Korea

Samsung, Kia and Hyunday – Korean brand names and companies are known all over the world. The former so-called “tiger state” from the 1980s became one of today’s biggest industrial nations in the world. South Korea is the market leader in many industries, especially when it comes to building ships, computers and cars. On top of that, over the last two decades, the country of Confucian traditions and culture has opened up and expanded even further its popularity as a trading partner and attractive investment location. 

Intercultural trainings will help your employees to successfully navigate the Confucian-influenced business world of South Korea. What do managers and their team members need to know about themselves and their South Korean counterparts to avoid socials faux-pas and embarrassing situations?

Answers to those and many other questions are provided by intercultural trainings offered through crossculture academy.

  • cater to your employees’ and their families’ needs
  • consider your industry and regional particularities in South Korea
  • are conducted by highly trained staff
  • are flexible:  one, two or several days
  • give answers to all questions about an oversea stay
  • provide peace of mind and confidence
  • can be organized within 48 hours
  • prepare employees to successfully conduct business, presentations and negotiations
  • are the ideal foundation for a successful stay abroad

  • explains cultural differences and etiquettes
  • provides and interprets typical day-to-day business situations
  • helps with successful communication in South Korea
  • explains how decisions are made in South Korea
  • demystifies structures and processes in Korean companies
  • prepares for successful presentations and negotiations
  • offers strategies to avoid conflicts and social faux-pas in Korea

  • Saving time and money due to well-prepared employees, who know what they are doing
  • Growing the prestige of your company in South Korea
  • Your employees show self-confidence and cultural competency
  • Embarrassing situations and costly conflicts are avoided
  • Accompanying family members are actively involved in the success of the stay abroad
  • Satisfaction, happiness and increased company loyalty among employees and their family members

Intercultural Expat Trainings

You are interested in our intercultural trainings? Please contact us – we will be happy to prepare those for you within 48 hours!

Values in South Korea

In the Korean society, values like harmony, family and “keeping face” (Kibun) play an important role. Seniority deserves respect and gets priority and, in general, people are extremely polite towards each other. Those virtues are also valued in the Korean business world. How does this all translate when assembling your business delegation? How important are titles, hierarchy or status symbols? During negotiations, what needs to be paid attention to? Are Koreans risk takers?

Intercultural Korea training provides answers to those important questions. It will also give insights about differences and similarities in the Korean way of thinking and their values.

Communication in South Korea

People in South Korea communicate indirectly: you need to read between the lines and know how to interpret their facial expressions and body language. How does this apply to the negotiation table? How do you know whether your Korean business partners were able to follow your proposal? How important is small talk?

There are also many relationships rituals, which translate into the business environment: What is vital to know about bowing or exchanging business cards? Who sits where at the negotiation table? How do you politely explain to your hard drinking Korean business partners that you are not a fan of Soju, Korea’s vodka-like national drink?

Intercultural Korea trainings provide the best communication strategies for common business situations and everyday life.

Everyday life in South Korea

You can tell by the small things how comfortably someone gets around in a foreign country, since there is a lot of knowledge involving correct communication and local etiquettes. E.g. what colors and numbers are considered lucky? Where do you put the chop sticks when done eating? What is still acceptable when showing up late for an appointment? What hostess gifts need to be avoided? And why are there suddenly red chili peppers on top of the neighbor’s doorframe?

These and other questions about daily life in South Korea and its challenges – e.g. child care, practicing religion or personal needs – are covered in your Korea-specific intercultural trainings.


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