About us

We strive to support our costumers during their entire experience – everyone traveling will look forward embracing new opportunities, will never be left alone abroad when things are tough and will be happily looking back once home again.

Crossculture academy has been a player in the global mobility industry for more than 10 years with its network of experts and customer base continuously growing – even more so when partnering up with US-based Globiana in 2017.

How do we locate the ideal coach for your employees? All our coaches are experts in at least one target country, where they used to live for a long time or still reside. They gained job experiences abroad in a variety of industries, in science or business. In addition, all of our coaches are qualified instructors and apply methodical-didactical approaches when teaching. Thanks to our vast network, we are able to find the right person with experiences in the specific industry or personal situation needed. This is our most important quality criteria, which we also apply to our TrainerNavigator©.


Our vision is bold: We see the world during challenging times and want to contribute our part to better understanding – helping people work better and more successfully side by side, supporting them living next to each other.

We know how difficult it is to arrive in foreign environment. We know about the vulnerability that comes when starting a new live abroad.

We strive to support your employees and their family members in being comfortable in their new place. We are eager to help them feel home once again. We will stand up for that, even on a personal level.

Relocating to a new place feels unpredictable in many ways and you will unexpectedly find yourself emotionally challenged. A longer stay abroad moves us deeply.

We know what we are talking about. Our training sessions go far beyond the technical dos and don’ts and we also support expats on their voyage to their inner selves.

We support our customers in understanding their new places and integrating themselves into their new environments so that their talents and abilities will thrive and be beneficial for everyone.


We strongly believe that individually tailored intercultural training will help employees and their families feel comfortable abroad and help them to understand the people in their target country resulting in a successful stay abroad for everyone involved.

To do so, you need knowledge – about yourself and others, about how our culture influences us, how other cultures influence others, and how to build bridges.

This is our goal: providing vital information through personalized training sparking interest in understanding others and reaching out to other cultures.

Crossculture academy supports our customers from all areas of global mobility and HR development. We provide world-wide trainings in almost every country and offer continued education through our online-platform.

Business team

+49 (0)711 722 468 44
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