Initial business contact with US-Americans

Erster Geschaeftstermin USA 42517474 s 400x300 1

There are several ways of doing so. Keep in mind that for US-Americans time is money and they find it difficult to deal with things that seem “strange” to them. As a first step send an e-mail in which you explain your offer or your request in a nutshell. Make sure you indicate your potential […]

Presentations for US-Americans

Praesentieren vor brasilianischen Geschaeftspartnern 400x281 1

A presentation in front of an US-American audience needs to be short, concise and goal-orientated. Pay attention to the order of your structure! Do not begin by talking about the firm or the product history but emphasis the customer benefit. Then move on to the main aspects, results and conclusions. After that you explain with […]

Cultural Differences – Canada

Kulturelle Unterschiede Kanada

Canadian companies have a relatively flat hierarchy. The corporate culture is democratic, therefore meetings are interactive in that everyone participates and expresses their opinion. However, individual points are usually not discussed too extensively, because Canadians prefer a targeted, agenda-driven meeting that leads to a concrete action plan. Expansive conversations and marathon sessions are therefore neither […]

US-American communication style

Positiver Kommunikationsstil USA 13638437 s 400x280 1

US-Americans appreciate a pleasant atmosphere. Creating and keeping it, is of great importance to them. At an early age Americans learn to approach others, to be friendly and helpful. Right from the cradle they are praised for every tiny achievement. That creates confidence and marks their communication style: Always positive! Advantages of positive attitude Do […]

Visitors from the USA

US Delegation empfangen 38417828 s

US-Americans often have little knowledge of the guest country and its inhabitants. They have a tendency to be not particularly good in dealing with foreign ways of behavior, and they expect to have everywhere the standards they are used to. That of course varies from one US-American to another, depending on their personality, experience in […]

Tips for successful cooperation with Mexicans

Zusammenarbeit Mexikaner 27429410 s

The office atmosphere in Mexico may be very different than what you would expect in your own country. You’ll often encounter open-plan offices surrounded by supervisors’ offices, which may have doors and large windows that look out on the open space. With so many people on a single large, open space, it’s often a lot […]

Are meetings in Mexico pure chaos?

Meetings in Mexiko 56309065 s

Like his counterparts around the world, a Mexican manager has a calendar full of meetings. Of course, the point of these meetings is to discuss and promote projects, to share information or make decisions. However, these are not the sole purposes of a meeting in Mexico. Relationships matter Building relationships and trust, cultivating contacts and […]

Polite and cordial: communication in Mexico

Kommunikation Mexiko 22154887 s

For Mexicans, politeness and the manners involved are extremely important, as it is also crucial for a first impression in Western European countries. However, to a Western European, Mexican manners may appear to sometimes border on subservience; however, do not make the mistake of thinking that your new business associates are subordinate to you. Mexicans […]

US-American meeting etiquette

Meetings in Deutschland

Meetings in US-American companies proceed goal-orientated. An agenda is distributed in advance, whereby it is expected that each person prepares for their topic. Often exact times are given on the agenda, which are scheduled for one point of discussion. The topics are dealt with in a structured manner. Normally it is not possible to return […]

Business in the USA: Think big!

Business in den USA Think big 28785205 s

This can be seen, for example, in project planning. In the USA, at first a major goal is formulated. Then people sit down and think about how this goal can be achieved. A detailed planning of individual steps is usually not provided. US-Americans don’t look at too many details and also don’t define subgoals to […]