
10 tips on business culture in the USA

Tip 1: Be helpful and welcoming! The US-American culture has been shaped by values like helpfulness and hospitality. For the American pioneers those values were essential for survival – and are still expected today. Like long ago US-Americans consider it as extremely important to be neighborly. This includes for example to pop in or call […]

Cultural Differences – Estonia

Foreign business people tend to perceive Estonians as being somewhat taciturn and reserved. When they enter into negotiations with Estonians, they should refrain from immediately filling pauses in conversations by talking and try not to interrupt Estonians who tend to speak slowly and deliberately. Such behavior will just lead to Estonians feeling that their guests […]

Vive la différence

In an ideal world … the policemen would be English the car mechanics would be German the cooks would be French the innkeepers would be Swiss and the lovers would be Italian In a living hell … the policemen would be German the car mechanics would be French the cooks would be English the innkeepers […]

Facial expressions and gestures in the Arab Gulf States

The Arab Gulf states are “high-context“ cultures. Therefore, body language as part of a non-verbal communication plays a particularly important role. Besides the context in which something is said, facial expressions and gestures are a major contribution in transmitting information. Signals of body language In communication with Gulf Arabs you should observe exactly whether the […]

Cultural Differences – Ghana

In the West African state of Ghana there are well over one hundred different ethnic groups with their own religion, language and traditions. The largest ethnic group are the Akan, who are one of the few matriarchal ethnic groups in Africa. The Ashanti are the largest tribe within the Akan. Other large tribes, each with […]

Business meals and after work in China

While in in China, you will certainly be invited to a meal. This is something to look forward to, so do not turn down invitations, even if they are issued last-minute. Shared meals and evening entertainment are a part of business in China. Chinese food Chinese cuisine is famous for its variety and you always […]

Negotiations in the USA

US-Americans follow the same basic rule in negotiation that applies to all business communication in the USA: Say what you mean, and mean what you say. There might be a firmer tone than usual, but the motto is still: Hard on facts, soft on people. Stick to the facts and keep calm. Be prepared US-Americans […]

Communication in the Arab Gulf States

In the Arab Gulf states good relationships between business partners always take priority. Business is a personal matter and never just about the products. Accordingly, every business meeting involves a lot of small talk to help participants get to know each other better and build up trust. Gulf Arabs speak circuitously, are very skilled with […]

Cultural Differences – Slovakia

Slovak culture is based on strong family orientation. As a result, individuals feel strongly connected to a “group of one’ s own” and are loyal this group; family and close friends as well as trusted business partners are always given the highest priority. On the other hand, it takes time for Slovaks to open up […]

Chinese styles of communication

Chinese often speak loud and fast and with a multi-faceted intonation. Sometimes their way of speaking sounds quite staccato. Communication is relationship-oriented But the decisive thing is that Chinese cultivate a style of communication that is orientated to relationships. Not the business, but the people are at the center of a conversation. So in a […]

Characteristics of British communication

The complete Oxford Dictionary contains 500,000 words. This may easily lead to the conclusion that the repertoire of linguistic expressions is very differentiatet and varied in English. Furthermore, there are approximately 340 million people worldwide today, who speak English as their mother tongue not to mention all those who speak English as a second language. […]

Cultural Differences – Lativa

In many ways Latvians have a similar professional mentality to Germans. However, they themselves are likely to emphasize their Scandinavian roots. Ultimately, Latvian culture is very individual, despite or perhaps even because of the numerous influences of various occupying powers in the past. You will notice a strong sense of Latvian national pride. Their metropolis […]

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